EasyPic is a small image editing software designed by Kongtechnology.com to help you to resize images and photos easily.
You can also optionally insert any wording you like such as your blog’s URL on the image.
The wording’s look and feel is fully customizable, you can change the font face, the size, bold or italic, the foreground and also the background color.
The beauty of this software is that it’s simple and easy to use.
You can resize a picture and put your blog credit on it in less than 5 seconds.
That’s less than the time you need to start up Adobe Photoshop CS.
Of course you do not want to install the 200MB Adobe Photoshop CS just because you need it to resize a few photos for your blog, do you?
Do you know that you can save your preferences in EasyPic? Yes, save your blog styles and load them next time so that you can do your photo editing even faster.